OK so maybe I was only in Hell, Grand Cayman,
and you would think I would grow tired of it, but
I find it rather amusing still to say.
It was a rather lovely HOT week spent visiting
my friend Wolfgang down there.
He and two others (Jenn and Greg) share a condo
right on the beach of 7 Mile Beach. My days were
not really super busy, as they all worked during the
days, so I spent my time on the beach. I'd read, listen
to music, swim, read, swim, walk, sleep.. it was a
rather stressful week I tell you. On a few days I'd
walk downtown Georgetown and meet up with them
for lunch.
Highlights of the trip for sure were going swimming
with and feeding the stingrays... visiting the turtle
farm...winning a contest at Margaritaville...dancing
up a storm with the locals...finishing a couple new
books...cigar shopping for expensive cigars for my
friend Troy... and of course, trying to find a turtle
figurine to bring back..(I try to find one unique to each
country I travel to)
So I am home now (Obviously) and I had amazing
weather the entire time down there. I am told it was
crap weather for two weeks before I got there and I
was told in an email it has become crap again with rain
everyday since I left.. Looks like I picked the perfect
So now I have a week off here in Saint John... I'm
relaxing, doing some more reading, playing some
scrabble with Adam (he is up 2-1) and watching my
beautiful tan fade away.
Next stop - my sisters Amie and Bess are flying in
next week... should be a fun time!
Wolfgang dropping me off at the airport on my way home.
Perhaps that photos should be at the end!
The view from the condo living room..
A random photo of me getting ready to go swim with the
This photo cracks me up!
Stingray time.. this was an amazing time after I got used to them
rubbing up against my legs like cats before they got the food
from my hands. Look they are even nice enough to let me hold

I love turtles.. even if down there they eat them!

All in all a great fun, relaxed, much needed vacation!
Thank you Wolfy, Jenn and Greg