I wish my brain was in writing mode and full of wondering, nurturing, and thought provoking words. The type of post which would make you want to grab a cup of coffee (if you drank it) and put your feet up and nod your head with understanding about how life is with children and a husband and being a Stay At Home Mom (with a home based Scentsy Business)... But it is not..
Instead however, it will be a recap of what I have been doing this summer with the said children and wonderful husband. I seem to have many strengths and many weaknesses.. One of those weaknesses I have come to realize is my inability to keep my blog updated even for my family and truly for myself.
I think of all the cute things the kids have done this summer and said this summer and wonder if I can remember half of them and how terrible of a mother I am for not writing things down right after the moment of cuteness.... or moment of sincere love, but alas, once again I have not. I will say though that this summer has been amazing! Not only amazing in the amount of traveling and "camping" and day tripping we have managed to do either as a family and sometimes even alone, it has been amazing because of how much the girls have grown and how much fun they are at this stage.
So here are some summer fun photos...
Please keep in mind these are all from an IPhone
The twins LOVING the Newly ReOpened Renovated Aquarium in St Andrews! |
Both Girls REALLY wanted to touch the Giant Fish as they called them! |
This the reaction each of the girls got after touching one of the Skates (look like Sting Rays) Charlotte Left was crazy excited and Ruby was seriously not sure what to think! |
Adam and I get away alone twice a year normally for 2 nights each.. This year we went down to Old Orchard Beach and took in the sites and did some shopping for Adam and played some golf! It was WONDERFUL! What was not great about it - I did not take enough photos! |
Adam got a good kick out of how much I do NOT like Ferris Wheels.. Seriously do not like them ! Somehow I still go on them! Not quite romance in the air when I was nearly shaking! |
Need I explain the sheer enjoyment? |
Back to School Shopping (or in their case helping mommy get Scentsy organizing supplies! |
Who doesn't enjoy lunch outside with friends? |
Sometimes they like to pet ponies! |
Or Feed Lamas |
Charlotte has taken to sleeping in the closet - Though the last couple of mornings/naps they have been on the floor laying together with their faces almost touching! |
They have mad climbing skills! |
Jazzy is growing up fast! These are Adam's friends Kids from our cabin trip to Cap Pele! It was sooo cute! |
Cap Pele - 6 hours a day on the beach.. happy children.. no melt downs.. no naps it really was wonderful! |
Irving Nature Park Walks |
Trying out their new helmets! I know not a clear photo but I love it! |
Last but not least! Who doesn't love washing Gnomes at Nanny and Gramps house with toothbrushes! |