Sunday, August 24, 2008

Presenting Mr and Mrs Adam McKim

Well at least here is a few of the wedding photos.
I will have them more organized and put on my facebook
or somewhere else at some point, but I know many of 
you have been requesting to see at least some of them.
So here you all go.
We have been given all the photos and I have been playing
around with some of them.  I am new to the IMac and I
am more familiar with Adobe Photoshop and I do not 
have it on this computer... SO my editing skills are not so
much skills as of yet.. Just having fun 
with them..
In no particular order...

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sorry I have not posted in a while..
I SORT of have been very busy...
I will post soon about the wedding and the
Just getting everything in the house organized.

Thank you to all who helped, and came to enjoy the
wonderful experience with Adam and I.