Friday, November 14, 2008


I KNOW it has been forever since I last posted.

Here is what I have learned in my first three months
of pregnancy...

- You can be totally excited one moment and the next
wish you could curl up and sleep away the next 6 months.

- You can eat as much of something you have loved your
entire life and in a matter of 3 minutes later wish you had
never even known what the food was.

-You can loose close to 15 pounds and still have baby be

-Walking into the kitchen can be very dangerous

-My cat loves me and stays close by when I am extra sick

-Watching my belly start to look pregnant is very exciting

-How wonderful my husband really is

-Some days showering is my highlight!

-No amount of distractions will stop your body from 
throwing up when it wants to!

-That having ONE really good 24 hours was completely
cruel to my mind..

-I can still live and throw up 15-20 times a day for weeks
(though some days I did not want to)

-It is possible to drive and throw up (just not easily)

-How quickly you can love something which makes you
so sick and acts as a Parasite (as my pregnant friend Angie
keeps saying)

-No matter how sick I am I love when my husband kisses 
my belly!!

-How amazing an IV feels when you are dehydrated

-A cracked rib is perhaps one of the most annoying and 
painful injuries I have ever had!!

-A night I don't have to get up to go pee is a little treasure!

-Just how crazy my sisters were to do this 7 times while 
being this sick

Here is to hoping that the next three months are a bit more
pleasant and my list can divert away from "sick" to happy and
excited and LOVING being pregnant.  I am excited to be
pregnant, but I certainly am not loving being pregnant.
I think that was one of the break downs I had... I've wanted
to be pregnant for so long and now that I finally am... well 
I think many of you understand.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Jazzy Turns TWO

I know I am really behind at posting, but I am lucky some days
to get out of bed, let alone take the time to post my daily
happenings, which are not too interesting these days unless
you find talking about sleeping and throwing up interesting.

So Jazzy has turned 2..  It is hard to believe she is only 2 with
all she says and does.  We just had a small get together with a
couple of her friends and some family.  

We also told Jazzy that I was pregnant.  She seemed to 
understand and said the baby was playing hide and seek.
We are going to try to prepare her for a baby as she is very
much the centre of everyones attention and I actually am a 
bit nervous for the transition.

Here are a few photos from her birthday...
She LOVES dragons, and absolutely loved her little people