Here is what I have learned in my first three months
of pregnancy...
- You can be totally excited one moment and the next
wish you could curl up and sleep away the next 6 months.
- You can eat as much of something you have loved your
entire life and in a matter of 3 minutes later wish you had
never even known what the food was.
-You can loose close to 15 pounds and still have baby be
-Walking into the kitchen can be very dangerous
-My cat loves me and stays close by when I am extra sick
-Watching my belly start to look pregnant is very exciting
-How wonderful my husband really is
-Some days showering is my highlight!
-No amount of distractions will stop your body from
throwing up when it wants to!
-That having ONE really good 24 hours was completely
cruel to my mind..
-I can still live and throw up 15-20 times a day for weeks
(though some days I did not want to)
-It is possible to drive and throw up (just not easily)
-How quickly you can love something which makes you
so sick and acts as a Parasite (as my pregnant friend Angie
keeps saying)
-No matter how sick I am I love when my husband kisses
my belly!!
-How amazing an IV feels when you are dehydrated
-A cracked rib is perhaps one of the most annoying and
painful injuries I have ever had!!
-A night I don't have to get up to go pee is a little treasure!
-Just how crazy my sisters were to do this 7 times while
being this sick
Here is to hoping that the next three months are a bit more
pleasant and my list can divert away from "sick" to happy and
excited and LOVING being pregnant. I am excited to be
pregnant, but I certainly am not loving being pregnant.
I think that was one of the break downs I had... I've wanted
to be pregnant for so long and now that I finally am... well
I think many of you understand.