Tuesday, April 20, 2010



It still seems a little overwhelming some days that I will no longer be going back to the office that I have been calling work for the last 13 years ever again as an employee.  I would like to say that I went out with a bang and we had a big office party and everyone came to wish me good luck and I got a cake that said thank you and good luck, but lets be honest.... I worked for Air Canada for 13 years, not Google!

NO, I signed a piece of paper, and handed in three key items!
1.  My headset
2. My ID card
3. My health cards

After that... I went back to my desk to finish out my LAST shift with Air Canada.  It was a brutal one with the Volcano causing my last day to be more of a headache than it should ever have been.  Did I work hard???  No, actually I did not for one of the first times, I really did not care!

When it came time for management to leave (I was working in the afternoon) NOT ONE of them came over to wish me good luck and to thank me for 13 hard working years.... NOTHING.  Someone asked me if I maybe did not know them very well, but all of them have been there the entire time I have and most of them I used to work with on the floor...


THANK YOU for the opportunity to fly around the world and see amazing things and meet some amazing people... Thank you for a pay cheque for 13 years and some great new friends, but honestly, did you have to hit me in the butt with the door on my way out????


LSU twin Mom said...

Wow, I'm sorry they didn't do better by you. 13 years is a LONG time, you at least deserved cake!
Tomorrow is actually my last day of work before joining the "stay at home mom" club. I'm at peace with my choice and it involved a lot of soul-searching, but I think it's the best for me and my twins (for now). I went back to work when they were 3 months old (after 6 wks in the NICU) and have been miserable ever since.
It'll be nice to enjoy them growing up without rushing off to work everyday.

The Full Nelson said...

Enjoy being home! That sounds very Air Canadaish...jeesh!

The Conner Clan said...

Enjoy being at home with your babies! I'm a little jealous because we tried the me staying at home thing but we couldn't swing it financially. Hopefully, I'll still be able to recognize my husband after working evenings and weekends!

P.S. I would've expected a cake too...or at least a thank you or a good-bye or SOMETHING!

kanishk said...

It'll be nice to enjoy them growing up without rushing off to work everyday.
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