Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Babies

It is hard to believe that our little girls are 6 months old today. I have to keep telling myself that really their adjusted age is 3 1/2 months being born so early but it still has been 6 months since I was "rushed" over from my regular fetal assessment and the decision was made to take them out...

They are growing so fast and it amazes me how much I love them. I know people always say that but it really is true. My heart burst with love for them and my head burst with trying to keep my patience with two of them both screaming at the same time.. However, when it is all said and done..all it takes is a smile from them.

They are developing their own little personalities!
Charlotte is our giggle girl.. She loves to laugh and smile and giggle.
Ruby also loves to smile and giggle but she is more reserved and keeps it only for when mommy is really funny. Charlotte, you just have to look at her like you "might" be trying to make her smile and she laughs!

All I can say, "Is mine is a life which is truly blessed"!

(Photos by Deborah)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny I hope you don't mind I stumbled upon your blog, we have lots of mutual friends and My baby girl is the same age as your girls. Your girls are so sweet and I think you are rockin' it! I couldn't do two babies. And you look fantastic!

Deborah said...

Happy 6 months to your beautiful girls! Time sure does fly, doesn't it!