Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Weeks Notice

So after a lot of anxiety and a lot of talking everything over in my head and with my husband, over and over and over and over and over again, I have FINALLY made my decision -
Drum Roll Please!

I am giving my Two Weeks Notice tomorrow!

I did NOT come to this decision lightly, and it has proved to be one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.  Many tears were shed, plenty of realizations and a lot of grey hairs will soon follow.

I really have been flipping back and forth for months trying to decide if I should after 13 years quit a job which provided us with a little extra cushion and great flying benefits not to mention other things.  I finally realized that the fear in my decision was NOT about Money, but about Independence!  I have had a job since I was in high school, just about always had a job minus some of my schooling, so I have been mostly able to take care of myself!  Quitting my job was going to mean I was going to have to rely on someone else to take care of me - Not an easy step to take!

Even after I decided in my head that I was going to quit!  It wasn't until I prayed about my decision that I FINALLY felt at PEACE with it and KNEW it was the right decision.  There is life after Air Canada (so I am told) and my life is about to get so unfamiliar emotionally in so many ways, but here is to Quitting a job I did not hate, saying goodbye to people I have grown to love, saying goodbye to people I never cared for and realizing how many of my friends are jealous I finally made the decision.

So thank you work for all the amazing experiences traveling around the world you have provided for me, and Thank you to my little twins for all the experiences I am about to have with you that Money will never be able to buy!!

(PS  Thank you all ladies (and gents) for your sound advise and support, and if any of you need Airline questions answered and help with tickets for Air Canada, you only have two weeks left!!)

Monday, March 22, 2010


We decided this year was a big year for the girls and for us and Mommy and Daddy so we decided we would do a nice fun party for the girls with family and friends to celebrate everything which was their pregnancy and their birth story and their first year of healthy happy babies.. It was a wonderful birthday party and the babies were all so good all TEN of them... only one little crying fit when a mommy left to get her little one some food in the other room.. it was amazing and fun to see them all playing together.  They are my friends from my baby group which have been wonderful to me and helping me with the twins when we all get together so I can feel somewhat normal!

The picture I posted yesterday was the photo of their bigger guest cake as well as the little party favours I made for everyone.  I KNOW - ME making party favours, but I had those little boxes I got on clearance from Michaels and figured, why not use them?  The candy inside was themed with babies - sour soothers, cabbage patch kids, and licorice babies.. From the photo you can see the little R and C for their names..

On with the photos and enough of my details happenings of the party!

The girls in their new Birthday Dresses

The play group girls at the party

The two Grandpas...

Opening gifts!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Birthday Party Photo Preview

A sneak peek into the birthday girls party!

We had so much fun, but now I need to get to bed and get ready for my first day back to work.. I wonder just how much I will cry tomorrow - Not worried about the babies crying, just mommy!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy First Birthday (picture heavyish)

I can't believe my little girls turned one today.
They are soundly sleeping during their afternoon nap and I already had my little cry over the fact they turned one and how blessed we are that they are such healthy and happy little girls.  It amazes me every day that those two little precious spirits were entrusted to Adam and I to love and take care of.  There are days where it overwhelms me how much I love those little girls.

Though today is their actual birthday, we are not having their birthday get together until Sunday afternoon due to conflicting schedules with family.  I am excited to have family (and a few friends) over on Sunday to celebrate their cuteness for a whole year now.

So until I get more 1st Birthday Photos.. Let me remind you how much they have grown in the past year!

 Me 18 weeks pregnant with the twins

The day they decided they needed to come out even earlier than planned!

Charlotte one day old - as they were switching her units I got to hold her without any tubes
or wires, or anything for a whole couple of minutes.. It was beautiful peace!

Ruby foot - I know I have this one before too, but I love it!
Charlottes little finger in mine!
 The day before we got to come home as a family... 

SOOO cute and getting bigger!
Just the other day - not their best photo, but a candid shot of how big they are getting!

Look for sometime either Sunday/Monday another post with their 1st Birthday photos and a bunch of photos of things they have done this year!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Guilt - Oh Guilt

Top 10 things I feel guilty about these days

1.  Going back to work Monday - even if for a short time

2.  Not getting to church as often as I should because the twins nap time is right during the first meeting and our day is turned upside down if they don't get that nap, and they don't nap on us.

3.  Not keeping the house as tidy and clean as it should be seeing how I am home all day

4.  Not feeling/looking what I wanted to look 1 year post baby!

5.  Not making dinner every night for my husband

6.  Not being more grateful for everything I do have and wanting what I don't have!

7.  Sometimes envying mothers who just have one baby at a time..  (I know odd but it would be easier to get out more often)

8.  Not exercising more

9.  Some days not even getting out of my pjs

10. Wishing I could get away from my life for a good week..

I KNOW I should not feel so guilty - and I KNOW people are going to say that comes with motherhood, but still... It really can get me down from time to time...but I am trying!!  Who knows how long I will last at work, and I KNOW (or HOPE) eventually I will get back into my favourite jeans, and my life will eventually get easier..
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the life that I have, I think I just need a break, and realize I am not going to get it anytime soon (just like most moms)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Run Forrest RUN

Having the name JENNY when Forrest Gump became popular, had no shortage of people quoting Forrest lines to me for years and years after.  Even now I get the occasional one and think they must have just recently watched the movie!

My point is simple today - I wish I had been Forrest and been able to run across the country  - just run, and run and run - maybe THEN  I would fit into my favourite jeans!

How did you get back into your favourite jeans after having a baby (or two at once in my case)????

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Bathing How To

I absolutely love my little girls (though I have been dreaming about being pregnant with a boy) and I love how excited they get over little things.  Example - Right now they are both crawling around the floor laughing chasing each other and an empty container of puffs is rolling all around and they think it is the most funny thing they have ever played with - How I wish our lives as adults were so uncomplicated.

This morning I decided to do a double bath again.  They love it so much, and I have been trying to teach them to "wash" themselves with the face cloth.. We will have to work on that, as you can see from the photos they did just about everything but!

Bath Time

Who says the babies do not have any hair ????