Friday, June 18, 2010

These Boots were Made for Walking

The Girls are walking....Charlotte has been trying for a while and making a lot of progress.  Ruby has not really been trying but all of a sudden she figured it out.  Perhaps it was all the watching of Charlotte, but they are having fun walking around the house...

Here are a couple of videos of the girls walking around...
Sorry for the terrible camera job, I thought the screen would turn sideways when I turned the camera sideways - guess I was wrong!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was going to email you this blog award, but couldn't find your email. Sorry for posting this here, but I nominated your blog for the sunshine award. You can find a link from my blog to yours and you can come pick up your button there. There's no html- just the button which you will have to right click and save and upload as a picture. But love your blog, love the twins, and love your awesome kindness =).